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Heat Stroke Treatment in Clearwater, FL

Save yourself from the scorching heat this summer at One Medical Center.

Heat Stroke or Exhaustion, Get Yourself Treated at Urgent Care

The glaring sun and the rising temperatures can overwhelm your body’s temperature regulation system leading to a serious condition called heat stroke. This can affect vital organs of your body and also become life-threatening if left untreated. That’s why it’s important to seek immediate medical attention whenever you experience heat stroke or other heat illness symptoms.

This can be achieved at an urgent care clinic like One Medical Center, where we can lower your body’s temperature and provide you with intravenous fluids to give you instant relief.

a young girl with pink hair is leaning against a blue bench .

Heat Stroke Causes You Must Be Aware Of

This can be achieved at an urgent care clinic like One Medical Center, where we can lower your body’s temperature and provide you with intravenous fluids to give you instant relief.

There are several factors that can increase the risk of heat stroke, including:

Prolonged exposure to high temperatures

Physical exertion


Certain medications like diuretics and antidepressants

Wearing more clothes than required

Consuming alcoholic beverages in hot temperatures

Symptoms of Heat Stroke

Heat stroke symptoms include the following:

High body temperature of 104°F (40°C) or higher

Severe headache

Feeling extremely tired or weak

Experiencing confusion or disorientation

Dizziness or lightheadedness

Red, hot, and dry skin

Risk Factors of Heat Stroke You Must Be Aware Of

There are several factors that can increase the risk of heat stroke, including:

Prolonged exposure to high temperatures: Spending a long time in hot and humid conditions can put a strain on your body's temperature regulation system.

Physical exertion: Engaging in strenuous physical activity in hot and humid conditions can increase the risk of heat stroke for you.

Dehydration: Not drinking enough fluids makes your body vulnerable to dehydration, and this increases the risk of heat stroke.

Certain medications: If you are diagnosed with certain medical conditions, such as diabetes, heart disease, and depression, then your medications might put you at risk of heat stroke.

Age: Older adults and young children are more at risk of heat stroke due to their bodies' reduced ability to regulate temperature.

Being overweight: Being overweight makes it harder for your body to regulate its temperature.

a young man is wiping his forehead with his hand .

Heat Exhaustion Treatment You Can Avail of at Urgent Care

There aren’t many treatment options available for heat illnesses. It’s management that becomes important in such cases. Heat stroke management includes providing you with instant relief from the symptoms. This is done by:

Providing you with a cooler environment: You will be moved to a cooler environment, such as an air-conditioned room or a shaded area. This also involves removing your excess clothing, applying cool compresses, and using fans to help provide relief from the heat.

Immersing you in cold water: You will be given a bath or shower of cold water or ice to help lower your body temperature.

Administering intravenous fluids: You will be given fluid intravenously (through veins), such as water or sports drinks, to help replace fluids lost in your body due to sweating.

Monitoring vital signs: Your body’s vital signs, such as heart rate and blood pressure, will be monitored to ensure they are stable. You may be given medications if they are not stable.

Giving you medications: If none of the above methods work or if a cold bath makes you shiver, then you may be given a muscle relaxant, such as a benzodiazepine, to stop the shivering.

a hand is holding a cell phone that says one medical center

One Medical Center: One-Stop Center for Heat Stroke Treatment Near You

With access to state-of-the-art medical equipment, including advanced diagnostic tools and specialized treatment facilities, our team of highly trained doctors and nurses has effectively treated heat-related illnesses. So, let us help you stay cool and hydrated. Contact One Medical Center for heat stroke treatment today!

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